Monday, August 15, 2011

you ever feel like God is telling something??

So, today has been a long day yet very productive. The PE workshop that I presented today actually went really well. I was worried all day until it came time to present, then it was like my worries went away. It's like God was watching over me and He gave me just the right words to say & at the right time. I walked away from it all with a smile, feeling very humble.

I have the most amazing friends and family though. I had lots of positive reinforcement that all was going to go really well. People for whatever reason seem to have faith in me, even when I really don't have any faith at all in me.

I'm a pretty simple person. Everyone knows that I like to be positive and uplifting. That's probably one of my major trademrks other than eating and running, which those are a given if u know me at all. What I'm trying to say is this. If you know me very well, you also know that I'm pretty hard on myself. I don't see myself as being very good at very many things. I work hard & I give my best effort in most all that I do, but sometimes I still feel like I come up short. So, having friends and family that believe in me and that lift me up on days like today can be best described in one word. PRICELESS! Thank you and you all know who u are!

There's something that's weighing heavy on my mind. It's been weighing heavy on my mind since last Sunday. On my way to the workshop today I felt compelled to visit with God about what's been on my mind. Sometimes I'm not real good at reading what He is trying to tell me, but I feel like HE is trying to tell me something... I have never been baptised before. Why? I have no idea why. It's not like it's something I've been against doing or anything like that. I've always wanted to be baptised, I just never knew the right way to go about it all these years. I've mentioned it to people before that I haven't been baptised and most of them were shocked. THen on Sunday this gentleman got Baptised and it really started making my brain work extra. So today I had a lil' visit with God while driving down the road. I feel like He is telling me that there's no better time than the present...

God Bless !!

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