Friday, April 29, 2011


Good Friday evening everyone! Today has been a really good day I must admit. I got a tad bit burnt today from being outside. I really shouldn't complain because I was ready to be outside and get some sun. We have had to keep the kiddos inside all week due to TAKS testing and we have had to do our best to keep them quite as well. I felt sorry for the kiddos b/c who wants to be silent all day? NOT ME! :) But we do what we have to do and move on :) This evening after work I came straight home and got our yard mowed up before all of the rain hits this weekend. Kary had baseball tonight at Royse City and then they play again tomorrow. So, it has been just me and our pups tonight :) I did however treat myself to sonic for some grub and then over to Braums for some good ole' icecream :) You can say that I'm a pretty happy girl right about now. :)

So, I've been doing some thinking and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but not certain. My mom's parents ( my grandparents ) have been on my mind a lot lately. I'd say for at least the last month I have really had the urge to go up to the cemetery in hugo and take some fresh flowers and have a visit. So my question is, does God put certain people on our mind for a reason? I've heard He does & I wonder why my grandparents have been on my mind so heavily here lately? It's crazy that it has been nearly a year since the passing of my grandfather. A few days before fathers day ( in june ) was when I called him up to ask him if he wanted to go out a date with me to eat for father's day. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. It's strange but at least once a day if not twice I think about going up and taking some pretty summer time flowers up to put on each side of their headstone. Hmm.. I'm not sure why I wanted to share that information, but I did :)

Well, tomorrow is Saturday, I'm soo glad and thankful that it is. I have a few options for tomorrow. I know Kary has baseball going on, so I am going to decide what I want to do with part of my day when i wake up in the morning. I know house cleaning will be at the top of the list and then I shall go from there.

Soo, some food for thought for the night.. Do you ever go back in time to when you were a kid or even go back to 10 years ago or 15? I do from time to time. I think to myself that it's important to recall back to your childhood or earlier years, but it's also very important to live up the present so in 10 or 15 years you can look back on these days and recall fond memories as well. :) That might be getting a little deep, but I feel it's pretty true. :] I know that we all have days that we wish we could just get away and go relax, but those type days make the good days seem even better & make us appreciate them even more :]

Well, I'm out of here everyone! Remember that God gave you special people in your life that are close to your heart for many reasons. Don't take those people for granted!!!!

With love, Stand-still

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