Wednesday, June 15, 2011

blessings here, blessings there, blessings everywhere :)

So a wise person once said, " Live your life to the fullest b/c you only live once." You know that is soooo true.. Each day that you wake up from your cozy bed you have opportunities that await you. Some days there may not seem as though there's any opportunities out there, because the world can be a mean/scary place from time to time. If you allow yourself to get caught in a rut, then the world can seem horrible ALL of the time. Noone ever said that things would be perfect or that life would be easy, but there's always a reason to live life as happy and as enthusiastic as you can b/c one day you'll look back and regret that you didn't. One day you will say to yourself, "man, why didn't I realize then what i realize now." When you get knocked down you have to get back up. I didn't say that you have JUMP up b/c sometimes that's not realistic, but getting back up is realistic with a lil' determination. :)

You know, blessings surround us everywhere we go. We all too often take a lot of blessings for granted simply because that's human nature. Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. They come in living form and non living form. Blessings are Gods way of making life more enjoyable. We are suppose to count our blessings each night, b/c when you do, you can't help but smile when you finally realize how blessed you truly are. Day to day chores and tasks can blind us of what's truly important. What is truly important to you? When you ask yourself that question you may realize that your priorities are a lil' out of line? Everyone can slip up from time to time and allow their priorities to get out of whack. Remember this, each day your goal is to be the best you can be under the circumstances you are given. Regardless of the day that you have been dealt your job is to make the most of it and to be able to make a difference in the lives of the people you come in contact with. Sometimes you may only make a difference in one person's life, but that ONE means more than you may ever know. Be a blessing to those that are around you. Then when you lay your head down at night ask yourself this simple question... Is the big guy up in the Heaven's above smiling down on you. If so, give yourself a pat on the back. If not, do better the next day so that HE is smiling down. :)

Well everyone, I'm about to end this.. I wish you all a great night and a happy Thursday!

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