Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Each Day Is A New Chapter In Your Life.....

Good evening everyone! Yes, like always it has been a really long time since I last wrote in here. I thought I would do better this summer when it came to writing more often, but that has proven to be wrong. Time just flys by. Before you know it what was the start of the summer has quickly faded to the end of the summer. I think the older I get the faster time goes by. I am not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing? :)

Anyway, so I've been doing some thinking over the course of my summer. You know we can get very caught up in our day to day activities & vacation planning and sometimes we might lose sight of the more important parts. What are the important parts you might ask yourself? Well, this is my opinion and this is what I've come to learn over the last few years. When you wake up in the morning your brain begins to think of all the daily tasks that you have to complete or begin. Sometimes just thinking about those things can automatically put us on edge. Other times those things might make you happy and excited about the day. Either way, the point is this... Whatever you have to do in your daily schedule remember to find ways to enjoy the blessings that surround you, tell your loved ones that you love them and spend quality time when you get the chance with family and friends. Quality time spent with those you care so deeply about is extremely important. Sometimes we don't realize how important it is or how important it is to those that you spend that time with. The moments that you take out of your busy schedule to do things like this are priceless! You will always have these moments to look back on. This summer I have enjoyed some awesome quality time with my mom going and doing different things of all sorts. In all honesty, I don't care so much about what she and I do as long as we are doing it together. I have some incredible friends that are FAMILY to me that I have spent wonderful time with this summer & laughed hysterically with. Precious memories that hve been made that will never be forgotten.. I have spent some awesome days with my husband jst the two of us sitting out in the swing in the backyard watching mother nature at it's best late in the evening. I've spent some great times with my uncle eating sonic burgers at the feed store while sitting on a couple of feed sacks. :) My point is this.. It doesn't MATTER WHAT you're doing with your loved ones, as long as you're making opportunities to spend with them. Those moments where your just enjoying one anothers company are indeed priceless. When I was younger I didn't realize how important this is. You will go through trials in your life that will open your eyes in many different ways. God opens our eyes so that we can learn and live our life even better than we have in the past.

Each day is a new chapter in your life. What you will write in your chapters is pretty much your choice. Just remember to make it worth while, so when you go back to read it you will smile, cry, laugh and knod your head at all the chapters that you have wrote, the lives you have changed, the opportunities that you took control of & the memories you have made... :)))

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